The RGB value 200,100,100 according to the device.
Those values into context for that device.ĭevice such as a scanner has an associated color profile thatĭescribes the exact visual red color that corresponds to
Color profilesĬolor profiles are files that correspond to how a device canĬapture, render, or otherwise understand color values and put You can change the color model of each project item as necessary. Specify the default color model, either RGB or CMYK, to be assigned to all new color-managed project items. The color management application settings specify the default color space and color profiles of new color-managed project items and dictate the color conversion policy that is used when colors move from one of these project items to another. Once enabled, you can specify color management settings for the following project items in ArcGIS Pro: On the Color Management tab, click the Enable color management toggle button to turn it on.Under the Application heading, click the Color Management tab.Click Options to open the Options dialog box.Click the Project tab to open the application settings.